Wandering around Kings Cross Waterloo on Monday, I spotted this behind the station and realised it would make a useful prototype for modern modellers.
As far as I can tell, it's used for lifting and dropping materials down a hole for use on the underground. There is a similar one near(ish) my house for the local water company to do the same sort of job so I assume it's a common design.
This hole this one operates over is covered with a giant steel grating which is lifted by some hoist things.
I suspect these are less useful as prototypes, unless you are building a model of Waterloo station anyway!
Its the maintenance access for the Waterloo and City line. If you peer over the edge you can see tube stock parked up. W&C line fiddle yard?
Hi Phil
Think that is Waterloo station, used to work there,for supplying W & City line
Hi Phil
Think that is Waterloo station, used to work there,for supplying W & City line
Sorry, yes it is Waterloo. If I did one thing at a time, perhaps my brain wouldn't get cofoosed.
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