Friday, August 25, 2023

Kitmaster Italian tank loco


Kitmaster Italian tank
I present to you, a properly rare model. 

Kitmaster's Italian State Railways Class 835, was not one of their more popular kits. Launched at the very end of 1959, and priced at 4s 6d, it didn't survive to be released by Airfix. 

In Stephen Knight's book, Let's Stick Together, he tells us it's a popular class of 0-6-0T shunting locomotives, that could be seen all over the system. Nicknamed the "Caffettiera Tank" because of the unusual arrangement of safety valves and domes, which (apprently) resembled a coffe making machine. 

Should you wish to motorise the model, one of the Arby "Perfecta" kits was designed for it. 

This isn't what makes the model rare however, and certainly not what parted me with seven quid to own it. 

The rare bit is that the wheels and valve gear on the model operate smoothly. Not just judder around if you push hard enough, properly smoothly. You'd think they were made of metal. Heck, I've built chassis that don't run this well!

Long term, I'm thinking that a bit of weight, and a powered vehicle (sadly, not the working Kitmaster van already in the collection) would be perfect. I'm certainly not going to mess with such impressive workmanship in any way!

1 comment:

BR60103 said...

I think I still have mine packed away somewhere ...