Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Ramsey bus station kit


I've long wanted to build a model of Ramsey bus station. It's a modest size, but has all the features you'd expect. The frontage is detailed, but with nothing that layers of Plastikard can't handle - no fancy carvings for example. 

Back in 2019, I spent time taking photos from all angles with a long-term view of building a model. I believe that the station is under threat, and has been for many years. It's not ideally situated, being inside the TT track. Having said that, it's still there!

I'm sure I paced out some measurements too, but now there is an alternaive - it turns out that Kingsway Models, make a kit!

OK, it's a bit basic, but as a guide for a more detailed model, it's fine. The version I picked up is second-hand and has several sheets already stuck to Daler board as required. 

Dimensionally, the building will be 215mm wide and 250mm deep. I've always thought it would be the perfect regional bus depot, but then digging around the Kingsway website, there are quite a lot of similar sized options out there. 

Anyway, this lucky find will be stashed into the Isle of Man folder for the time being. If I get there again this year, I might just take a few more photos to be on the safe side though.


Paul B. said...

Is it a candidate for listing?

Phil Parker said...

Interesting question. No idea. Will have a dig.