Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Warehouse Wednesday: SCATS


A proper blast from the past - picked up from the same pile Ramsey bus station was in, the classic Bilt Eezi SCATS warehouse. 

Aside from being a really attractive model, it takes me back many, many years to a very early model railway built along one wall in my bedroom. There was a set of shelves that projected a little over one end, and I built this very kit, modifying it to fit around the supports. 

Except not this, but the free version supplied in Scale Trains magazine. This was printed on normal magazine paper, so I had to stick it to some thicker card, but other than that, it was the same. As I recall (it was a very long time ago), I recessed the walls for a more realistic appearance, as suggested by my Dad. 

So, adding this to the pile for a very tiny amount of money was a no-brainer. I think it's now available from Squire Tools, and yes I could have bought it from there, but we all love a lucky find and a bargain. 

One point - this shows that attractive and well designed kits have always been around. They aren't a new invention, although there are some real old horrors out there that the likes of scalemodelscenery and Scalescenes have saved us from. 

Incidentally, there is one of these kits in the V&A musem collection, along with a LOT of others!

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