A simple 009 model, it might look familiar to regular readers. It's a copy of my model "Owen's Bridge".

Yes, someone has read my articles and followed them!
OK, this might sounds a bit sad, but I'm really, really chuffed by this. So much time goes into producing models for publication and yet there is very little feedback. I assume I'm doing OK, but it can be difficult to tell.
This is different. Not only has someone looked at my model and thought it was good enough to build themselves, they've done a creditable job too.
The hardest part is the bridge itself, based on a WW1 plan that couldn't appear in BRM as it had already been in NG&I. Nevertheless, the builder has copied it faithfully. The buildings are the very same ones I employed, although with a slightly more severe weathering job. Even the tents are the same - and I like the creamier colour used, possibly more accurate than my efforts.
You might notice that I don't identify the builder and that's because I don't know who it is. The current owner bought the model from eBay earlier this year. No more details have (rightly) been divulged.
If the builder is reading this though - well done. And thanks for making me feel really proud. Getting people modelling is something I care passionately about and it looks like I'm getting there. Yes, looking at the model is a little weird, but in a good way.
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