Monday, December 24, 2007

Dull blade

Dull blade
Originally uploaded by Phil_Parker.
Here’s a rare sight, a used scalpel blade. It’s not rare because I don’t wear them out, it’s rare because I never seem to get around to changing them as often as I should.

It’s not like I throw them away either – the blade migrates from my cutting scalpel to one of my poking and spreading knives. The have the dull blades because even when the cutting edge has gone they are good for applying small amounts of filler or scoring surfaces. The cutting knife is a Swan Morton retractable handle, the others are Number 3’s.

My parsimony with new blades isn’t a financial thing – they are cheap enough and I always have plenty of spares. It’s just that a bit of me thinks the current blade is fine. I forget just how much better the new edge will be. For some jobs, such as card modelling, a new blade before starting is a no-brainer but otherwise; well, it still works so we carry on.

So, here’s a handy hint. Treat your modelling knife to a new blade today. It will think it’s Christmas…

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