Monday, November 06, 2023

Camera balancing


Taking a photo

Having arranaged to take a set of photos of Life in Longmorn, I packed all my gear up, for what was to be an early start. We might only live 15 minutes drive away, but it's still an early start. 

Getting to the layout, I opened my bag, and realised that I'd brought eventhing, except my Splat tripod. For most of the work, I could use a normal tripod, leaning over the baseboard edge, or beanbags. But, as ever, there were times I really missed it. 

Not to be beaten, I made use of amy tiny tripod, beanbags, and a nicely solidly built cottage, to prop the camera (thank goodness it's a small one!) to get one of the owners favourite shots with a 48DS in front of the distilery. 

The results look great, but it's not always easy. 


However, for my pains, I was presented with some shortbread, made very close to both the prototype, and the owners house. Now, I love shortbread, but even I can't eat this much in a weekend (OK, I could, but even I know it wouldn't be good for me) so forced it on my visitors to my stand. See, cake goes both ways!

1 comment:

James Finister said...

I have far too many mini tripods Oddly the one I use the most is the Ultrapod. It isn't as versatile as some, but it can always be in my pocket