Monday, November 13, 2023

Time for a break


Sorry, I've been so busy lately that there's been no modelling for well over a fortnight, and no prospect for the foreseeable future, so not much to report on the blog. 

I have some ideas for future content, but right now, I need to work. None of this is helped by taking a couple of days off to visit shows, so it's my own fault really. Sorry about that. Try again next Saturday.


Woz said...

G'day Phil,

It's great to hear that you are busy & possibly back to normal post covid wise.

You can always set up daily random pics with no commentary for us [your loyal band of followers, haa hhaaa] to muse & comment over.
I'm looking forward to the pic of the time you were kidnapped by Supermodels unless of coarse you didn't even have time to grab your camera.
I suspect you were taken to an island [Isle of Man, Isle of Wight, Australia].

I really enjoy your daily Blog of things & botchery, It's a great insight on how to work around problems to get the job done, be it modelling or otherwise.

Cheers Woz

AOJS said...

Hi Phil

All I've achieved this week so far has been 'buy things'.

I've managed to pick up the point motors, mounting plates, the CDU, a gaugemaster combi analogue controller, wires, a soldering iron, some plasticard and the peco single tunnel opening.

Need to be brave soon and start 'doing electronics'. In the meantime I'll continue staring at my pile of things.
