Monday, December 11, 2023

C5 disapointment

Trying a C5 for size

I was a Sinclair kid at school. 

Starting with the ZX81 (1k and then with the 16k RAM pack), I progressed to a Spectrum with the whopping 48k of memory. How we Sinclair kids looked down on the Commodore lossers in the playground. Yes, they could display more colours in a character. And had proper sound. And a keyboard, not made of dead flesh, but their programming language was rubbish. Sinclairs were for those who would lead the computer revolution. 

Anyway, because of this, part of me has always wanted a Sinclair C5, uncle Clive's first venture into electric vehicles. Yes, it was too low, and the press just laughed at it, but this always happens when inventions are ahead of their time. 

Truth is, the only reason I don't own one is lack of space to easily store it. Prices for a nice example are about a grand, not scary for a classic car, especially one so iconic. 

Then it all went wrong. At the classic car show, someone on the C5 stand kindly let me sit in one. For the first time ever. 

And I don't fit. My feet can get on the pedals, but only just, and I can't turn them. I'm simply too tall. A Sinclair C5 is idea for someone about 6 inches shorter than me, but that's it. 

Another dream shattered. Now, where can I find a nice City-El?


Mark said...

Just checking you are okay Phil? I'm assuming you're a bit under the weather given it's not even a month since you posted this almost exact same post (12th November). Assuming I'm right, hope you feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

Oops. I'd forgotten that post. Sorry.

Mark said...

To be fair it's like 30 posts ago, and I can't claim to remember what I posted 30 posts ago! Glad you're okay though.

Anonymous said...

Even reading this as a Canadian, I think that you made a purposeful typo.

"How we Sinclair kids looked down on the Commodore lossers in the playground...."

"lossers"? OK. Sure! Wink, wink.

Steve Lucas