Sunday, December 10, 2023

Bay window Type 2

From Twitter:

Person A) Still debating whether to attend The Classic Car Show at the NEC tomorrow. Have always wanted to go, but £38 for a ticket, plus £2.50 admin fee, plus £13 for pre-booked parking does not feel like value. That’s before the cost of fuel, food & drink.

Person B) How much is a brilliant experience worth?

Person A) True, but some are saying the experience isn’t that brilliant.

Person C) At least there should be plenty of great YT content for those of us unable to get there!

Person A) I’m counting on it, as I am quickly talking myself out of going now!   

My feeling? It cost me £40 to get in (it's cheaper at the weekend). Plus my train ticket, so just over 50 for the day. I ate a less-than-brilliant burger and a piece of cake (custard and almond slice, 7/10) which cost an amount I've forgotten. 

And I really, really enjoyed myself. 

The show is massive, got in at 10, left at 5:45. Clocked 12,000 steps and didn't retrace many. 

I appreciate that this is a lot of money, but the show won't be cheap to put on. Seven halls of the NEC cost more than £100 you know. There is more display than trade too, so not so much income. 

Still, you can always sit at home in your pants and watch some wobbly footage on YouTube. I can also do that, but I don't consider video to be the same as going to the show. You don't get to spend 20 minutes discussing the finer points of a vintage Rolls-Royce with its owner for example. Or try a vehicle for size (more of that tomorrow). 

In the meantime, some photos on Flickr. 

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