Tuesday, December 26, 2023

TNT boxes


In my Christmas stocking this year, a little kit from Coach & Wagon works, for some crates marked "TNT". Perfect for that point in the afternoon when I'm too full of turkey to go for a jog, but need a little something to occupy my brain. 

The parts are laser-cut, and slot together perfectly. 

I used Deluxe Materials new Laser-Cut Kit Glue, something I'm testing, and just happened to have on the bench. Tp be honest, I'm not sure how different it is to the excellent card glue, other than a fancy precision dispenser. It's very runny, but grabs quickly, and seems to dry without leaving blobs if you are a little more generous than required. 

A finishing touch is to paint the letters red, harder than I expected as they aren't that clearly cut when you are close enough to try poking a brush in there. To be honese, they look pretty good left slone, but I was in the mood to paint things. I did give up on the strapping, as painting it black looked rubbish. 

Boxes are 31 by 19 by 15mm, and a nice fun detail for your G scale or 16mm trains. And all finished in time for tea. Turkey sandwich anyone?


Anonymous said...

TNT = Tri nitro toluene
Thomas Nationwide Transport?

Yer pays yer money and yer takes yer choice or not a the case may be.

Anonymous said...

Tri nitro toluene
Thomas Nationwide Transport

Yer pays yer money and yer takes yer choice or not as the case may be