Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Flat wagons


While ordering the skips from Binnie, I added some Husdon chassis to the package. A few years ago, I turned a couple of them into simple flat wagons, and fanced making this train longer. 

The kit is pretty simple - an ABS frame and some glass filled nylon wheels and axleboxes, plus steel axles. 

First up, the parts, apart from the wheels, get a coat of Halfords rex oxide primer. Getting the paint into all the nooks and crannies is harder than you might think, but it's a really lovely paint to use, and with a hairdrier, the job doesn't take long. 

The planks are cut from balsa, easier to distress than basswood, and then painted with EDM Models Weathered woodstain to make them grey, rather than new balsa cream colour. A sensible person would cut these out as large rectangles and score the planks, just like I did for the first two wagons. I'd have done it again, but by the time I'd cut out the rectangles, I realised the grain was going the wrong way...

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