Monday, August 12, 2024

The Law of model shops

The law is simple - when you go in a model shop, you have to buy something. No matter how small. 

Sometimes, this is easier then other. I don't really need anything for my modelling sometimes, but the law is the law. To be fair, this how I ended up with a rather excellent tugboat, but also two plastic kits for Japanese scooter display teams

Anyway, a trip to Footplate models was one of the easier ones. I walk in the door, and am greeted by a pile of new second-hand stock. And calling out to me from the top box, a giraffe car. Result! 

Price, less than a tenner. 

It's not a bad one either. There are ladders on the side, but not the end. Georgie has 1 1/2 ears. The biggest problem is the magnet in the bottom of the mechanism is missing. I suspect these slide out one side, as their loss isn't uncommon. 

It's even pretty clean. No need for a trip to the sink and an attack of the Fairy Liquid toothbrush. 

Big question though. How many of these thinsg do I own? Hmmmm.

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