Thursday, February 21, 2013

Can you glaze a big window with Krystal Klear?


Well, to find out, I had a go with a pair of skylight windows in a Skytrex O gauge goods shed. Each pane is 20mm square.

The answer is - Yes

It's true, you can glaze with Krystal Klear, a high quality PVA designed to fill windows in model aircraft. By wiping the liquid across the back of the window with a long screwdriver, it is possible to get the pane filled using just surface tension. It's a messy job, wasteful of the material and ultimately, the results are a bit rubbish.

The trouble is that Krystal Klear needs to be thin before it drys properly transparent. You can see that the bottom pane has a section which has worked well but it's really thick around the edges. Air bubbles are a problem too.

So, you can do it. Should you ? No.

Peeling the glazing away (easy to do), I replaced with with clear plastic sheet stick in place with canopy glue. The job took no longer for both windows in the roof than the Klear took for a single pane. The result is tidier too. If there is a snag, it's that the windows are too see-through and I need to muck them up a bit.


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