Sunday, June 19, 2022

Le H&M Duette

H&M Duette

I spent a three days in Brussels last week, and am currently paying for it in trying to catch up with my work. I promise I will bore you with photos later. 

Anyway, I stopped off at the flemarket that takes place at place du Jeu-de-Balle, and what do I find on one of the stalls? A vintage (is there any other sort?) H&M Duette.

No, I didn't buy it, I had enough stuff to lug around. The idea of a Belgian toy train controller did appeal a little though.

However, has anyone ever bought model railway stuff in an unusual place? 


matt scrutton said...

I once bought an Oxford Rail LNER wagon in Utrecht, Holland. The guys I was with (it was a railway outing) thought I was being rediculous!

Phil Parker said...

Nothing wrong with that. It will always be a bit of a souvenier - and a better one than a pissing infant!