An unexpected model shop !
To be fair, if I'd done a bit of research on t'web I'd have spotted it but I was there for literary reasons rather than model making ones. No matter, when you find a new model shop you have to investigate. Or I do anyway.
HobbyStores specialises in radio control models. Not box-shifting RTR ones but actual kits you have to put together. As you walk in there are plastic kits on the right but as the shop opens out you find boat kits, lots of of car kits, model rocakt kits and aircraft.
In fact it's the fly boys toys that really catch the eye. There are several of them hanging from the ceiling. A Gee Bee really caught my eye, well they are quite unusual planes. At about 2 1/2 fee long, it was very impressive, and upside down.
The staff were busy unpacking more stock but were really helpful and seemed to care about the hobby. I think they are real modellers and seem to know their subject - very important here.
My only purchase was 3 rolls of masking tape but a very impressive range of tools and materials is on offer including a few that were new to me. I spotted Humbrol paint, balsa wood, K&S Metals but there are more. A big chunk of one wall along with many shelves are devoted to these with decent stock levels - no keeping the odd item and then taking forever to re-order I suspect.
A very nice shop. Well worth a look if you are in the area. If not, try the website:
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