The branch is tucked away under 5 minute stroll from Waterloo station, in a side road that is pleasent and full of interesting shops. Google streetview wasn't aloowed down it so you'll have to go and take a look yourself. While I was there, the street was home to a food market with dishes on sale from around the world.
The shop has this wonderful 1960's or 70's tiled facade. It's like nothing else nearby or even very much else that isn't nearby. I suspect the window shape is a happy accident but it does look similar to the windows on a Mk1 coach.
Inside, as you'd expect, there are lots of books. On a raised area cabinets full of model railways care found with a good selection of accessories and bits'n'pieces.You can also find Humbrol paints and some materials. I don't think the range is as wide as the excellent Birmingham store but there's not much in it. In a model shop-starved capital city, it's certainly well worth the visit.
A full list of Ian Allan shops can be found here.
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