I enjoyed limited shopping time at Doncaster, and most of what I had was used to aquire magazine projects for the future. Combined with my general lack of mojo and mahoosive backlog of project already, and the trade didn't do that well out of me.
Obviously, I can't help haunting second-hand stalls. The club stand that furnished me with the Hornby German coaling stage, also served up a couple of original 16mm scale Cooper Craft wagon kits on the Sunday afternoon. I spotted them earlier and wasn't that worried, but at seven quid each, they were a bit of a bargain, and I do like building them, so since no one else wanted them, they came home with me.
More useful, was some large (Size 4) brushes from Brushes4You - a company supplying excellent brushes at reasonable prices, who don't have a website. They attend lots of shows however, so supply isn't an issue. I have a lot of small brushes from the company, but recenlty found myself lacking something capable to covering a reasonable area, this is now sorted.
On a whim, I picked up some lining brushes at the same time, out of curiosity. Sign-writing fascinates me, and I'd just like ot have a play with the tools.
These weren't the only goodies from the show though. More of that tomorrow.