Thursday, August 16, 2012

Getting ready for Midland Railex

Today we will be digging out Melbridge Dock in preparation for a trip to Derbyshire to take part in Midland Railex this weekend.

In theory, this means we'll set the layout up in the living room for a couple of hours to make sure it works, then pack everything away ready to chuck in the back of the car on Friday. Since the layout hasn't been out for a long while, I'm expecting a bit of dry-joint repair and some dusting. Hopefully this is as bad as it will get - generally this layout has been pretty reliable since we built it back in the 1980's.

One thing I can be confident of is that it will have advanced further than the photo above. We had only laid out the baseboards on the lawn to have a look at them together when our cat at the time, Tiger, decided that we really ought o be paying attention to him rather than these bits of wood.

Anyway, please amuse yourselves on the Midland Railex website. I'll let you know tomorrow how things went.

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