Sunday, February 17, 2013

Talking about painting

On Tuesday I was asked to give a talk on model painting to the Warwick Flyers model aircraft club. Being local and cheap (free in this case) I was easy entertainment for the committee to organise. Flying is an outdoor activity so the club members probably don't see much of each other during the winter unless they meet like this!

The meeting took place at the Blue Lyas pub. It has a small function room and more importantly, a lovely pub cat that wanders around the bar looking for fuss. The food looks good too so a return visit is called for.

I pitched up with a pile of paints and some airbrushing tools which were spread arnounf over a couple of tables. Once the meeting kicked off I took the crowd through all of these, starting with basic paints, then methods of applying them. I rambled for 3/4 of an hour which seemed plenty. Not my most reactive audience perhaps, but I did manage to raise a few smiles with some jokes.

Anyway, everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. A few admitted they had picked up a bit of useful info in there so that makes it all worthwhile. I'll be honest and admit that I enjoy doing this sort of thing. For years when I had a proper job, I spoke at conferences explaining web site usability so being on the stage and talking holds no terrors for me. Maybe there is a speaking career going begging talking model making?

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