Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Warehouse Wednesday: Charlbury Station, with an unusual phone box

Charlbury station

With a bit of time to kill on the way to a BRM photo job, I followed the signs to Charlbury Station. I'm always curious to see a new station, and I fancied a toilet stop too. Getting in the car park was easy enough, but paying for it wasn't They don't let you buy an hour, and I didn't fancy paying Cotswold rates for a full day.

So, I had a quick look around in the 20 minutes permitted "drop off" time, and found an interesting feature. 

K6 telephone box

The telephone box out front, might be a standard K6, but the crests on the top are covered with plastic BR badges.

BR symbol

These aren't quick, or temporary fitments.Not a detail I've seen before, and I've looked at a LOT of telephone boxes. Has anyone else seen this? Is it treason to cover up the royal crest? It's a mystery...


James Finister said...

The hours I've spent there, and the times I've passed through!

In roughly the same area, have you seen this?

Phil Parker said...

Yes - we visited a few years ago and had an interesting chat with the owner. Some great stories!

After this, we visited Pendon and looked at their 4mm scale version.

Colin said...

I lived in Charlbury for a couple of years so that was my local station. Lovely walk to it from the village.

Simon Hargraves said...

I don't think I ever recall seeing those BR badges fitted to a 'phone box. If it's not unique, it's pretty darned unusual!

Anonymous said...


May possible relate to being a private box owned and maintained by BR/Network Rail rather than BT.

