Thursday, May 02, 2024

Dotti and barrels


Finally, we have an IP Engineering 'Dotti' - which I serialised on this very blog six years ago

At shows, Dotti has always been very reliable. Not too fast, and happy to plod around for hours on the two AAA batteries tucked under the body. Replacing them requires undoing a couple of screws, but isn't too bad a job, even at a show. 

Behind the loco, we have a superb Meadow Castings kit. Why these easy-to-build and nicely detailed kits aren't more popular is a mystery to me. I really need to add more to my fleet myself. After this, we have a Phil Sharples fuel bowser. Not currently available, it was like all his kits, a bargain. Looks nice with a little work too. 

Bringing up the rear is a scratchbuilt brake van, also serialised on this blog. I can't remember how well this slightly top-heavy model runs, we'll find out. 

At the show: As reliable as ever. Trundled around with half-a-dozen Big-Big skip wagons. Battery lasted well over an hour, but I've lost one of the retaining bolts when i removed the chassis to replace them.

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