Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Waggly bits attached


The chassis has had a coat of primer, and some back paint, so I can start fitting the wheels. With these in place, the slighly crude sidebars, connecting rods and whitemetal corssheads go on. There's no worry about binding, all the holes are on the generous side!

Still, it all seems to work. The back of the crosshead has a cutout to clear the cranks on the lead axle, so I didn't need to file them down very much. The only problem comes with the slide bars, which, initially, aren't fixed in place. 

Pre-formed lengths of metal are supplied, which slide through holes in the end of the cylinder. These are also generous, causing them to wiggle around. No worries, a bit of 100 degree solder fixes them to the bottom of the cylinders. They don't seem to inclined to move now. 

One crosshead included a moulded piston rod, but none of the others (there are three more) do, so I drilled and fitted a 1mm diameter brass rod. After a little trimming so they don't whack the end of the U-shaped bit of the slide bars, all seems to be moving freely.

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