The casting on the right is what you get if you touch the casting on the left with too hot a soldering iron. In case you were wondering it's the Barclay locomotive's headlight. And you can attach it with 100 degree solder.
A frantic afternoon 'phone call meant that I received the replacement today. All I had to do was fit it, with low melt solder this time, to the spike on the bonnet front. It looks nice now...
Disaster 2
Things were going well. All the bits were on the model, a coat of primer hadn't shown up anything untoward so I mixed up a weathered black/black cup of paint to put the colour on.

Approaching the end of the job, all looked OK and I spotted that there was a corner behind an air cylinder still had a little primer showing through. I aimed the airbrush at it and a big drip of paint fell out of the cup - on to the model.
Trying to remove the blob, which had by then run down the side, just made things worse. I spraying more paint on the are but it just looked terrible. There was only one thing for it, the paint had to be stripped and done again. Quick work with paint stripper got the worst of it off. I just hope I can get in all the nooks and crannies so the new primer coat looks tidy.
If only people only looked at it via the pictures on the web, the problem doesn't show there !
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