Friday, April 05, 2024

Friday fun: Build the Flying Scotsman

Stuart at Locomotion knows me well enough to realise that if he stuffs one of their latest products in my hand, I'll go away and build it. The product in question being a Lego-style brick model of "Flying Scotsman". Which I built and videoed. 

I know "proper" enthusiasts will be up in arms, but this stuff pays for keeping the real locos in a way that people who wander into the NRM, take some photos and leave without making a donation don't.

1 comment:

BelfastCardiffDublinEdinburghLondon said...

You said it! I spent Easter Monday on a main line steam special flogging teddy bears and other gizzits to the public - Easter Bunny train. That’s the stuff that really pays for the 100 year old 4-4-0 hauling the train!