Sunday, May 12, 2024

More magnolia


You don't mix a can of trade emulsion with a Tamiya paint paddle! No, we need a special mixer bit fitted in a power drill to do the business. 

And mix it it did. I'd already finished off (with Dave's help) one can, and once everyone had gone home, I was on a mission to paint three bays and the back wall. I wasn't leaving until they had all been given two coats. That's about 9 litres.

Being a generous space, this isn't as bad as it sounds. No furniture to get in the way, and you can use a big roller. It was still a couple of hours work, but the results were pleasing, and this Thursday, we are having our first club night, back in the clubrooms!


Colin said...

Hmm. A grotesque-looking tee shirt, gaming console, two 'humorous' posters, backpack, wristwatch, kinky leather boots, and two women in shiny dresses. That's in the middle of your post on wall-painting.

Under eBay Sales you have more 'humorous posters, a WorkMate, gaming console, a woman in a shiny dress, and a brassiere (unoccupied).

I don't think they understand your regular readers very well.

Phil Parker said...

Any chance of a screen shot to ? Thanks