Sunday, June 09, 2024

Makers Central 2024

Feeling blue

I've heard about "makers" events for years, and always been tempted to go to one, but other things have got in the way. Finally, an event and a spare Sunday appeared at the same time, so I could give it a go. 

I'm not really sure how to describe the show. There was a mix of trade selling tools and equipment, others selling craft products they had produced. Some seemed to just be showing off stuff they had made, and a few stands gave you the change to try your hand at different making techniques. I had a go at pyrography, and made a nice coaster with a picture of an owl on it. 


Helpfully, the design is drawn on for you to burn, I'm not that good an artist, although the face at the bottom is all mine!

The other aspect was a theatre where various YouTubers and other makers were interviewed, or gave talks. Colin Furze is the big star, filling all the seats plus a crowd several deep around the edges. We also had a motorbike that can travel sideways, and a guitar maker who had to learn the value of her craft. She started by charging £6k for a hand-made instrument, and now charges £36k. There waiting list runs to three years!

Overall, even after a couple of weeks cogitation, I don't know what to make of it. I enjoyed myself, but then I always do when looking at people making things. I wish I'd signed up for a couple more hands-on sessions, but they seemed to be making stuff with little actual purpose, unless you want a tile with attractive squiggles on it. Not sure I'll go to another, but I am glad I satisfied my curiosity.

Have a look at some of my photos on Flickr.

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