Friday, June 14, 2024

Over on the outdoor track



While all the model boating took place, the team behind the L&WMRS Outdoor track, put on the bit of a show, and of course, I couldn't reist taking part. The back of my car was pretty chocka!

Anway, first up, Ragleth. As ever, a good, soild session, although she seemed more lively than normal. The regulator never went much above half way. Pulling skips wasn't the most reliable activity as they bounce a bit on the points and crossing, bouncing sometimes meaning leaping off the track. 

I did manage a couple of circuits with a train on the second boiler fill, but it wasn't the most relaxing time. 


The Peckett worked perfectly, but by this point, ideas of putting some coaches behind had gone. The wind would have lifted them off the track. Never mind, we enjoyed many circuits light engine in forward and reverse. Oddly, running out of gas backwards, the loco stopped quite close to my position, not like when this happens in forward motion, that's always on the other side of the track!


Star of the day though, had to be this Gauge 1 A4 on a train of Mk1 coaches. A lovely loco that was running well, it's owner kept it going most of the day too. Best of all was the noise as the coaches found the rail joint at the end of the bridge, superb. 

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