Monday, September 23, 2024

Squeeze that motor into the chassis


It's big isn't it? 

Fitted into the chassis, the motor looks somewhat incongruous, but that is the way the kit designer intended it to be. I wonder if there were smaller options? Thinking back, if we ignore motors from the Tri-ang 'Rocket' or TT range, possibly not. 

Anyway, the chassis runs. Everything relies on the blob of Blu-Tack under the middle, which stops it spinning around the hold-down screw at the back, and gives a little backlash to the gear mesh. 

With the body in place, you can see what the England style tank appealed to DJH, there is space around the back end, but not a huge amount!

What's odd, is that there was a side-tank version released at the same time, and there's not space in there for the same motor configuration. I wonder what went in there?


Anonymous said...

There is one of the side tank version on eBay just now

Phil Parker said...

Found it - it's even just around the corner from me. I think I might even know the seller. At least £75 overpriced to my eyes though. Needs new wheels crossheads, con rods. Probably stripping down and rebuilding if I'm honest.