Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Warehouse Wednesday: Tenterden Town Signal Box


Tenterden Twon Signal Box

My favourite signal box. I've loved it since I first saw it as a kid in the 1980s, and it's still pretty much perfect as far as I am concerned. 

According to an online history:

On 27th October 1968, the Saxby & Farmer signal box at Chilham, on the Canterbury West to Thanet line, was decommissioned. The timber cabin was subsequently dismantled and moved to Tenterden Town, where it was re-erected upon a new red brick base at the southern end of the layout in 1973, ten yards from the level crossing. The cabin’s 23-lever frame, also an original relic from Chilham, was interlocked to operate a host of recovered Southern Railway-designed upper quadrant semaphore signals.

So, it's older than I am, and has spent nearly my whole life in position on the K&ESR. 

To me, the proportions are spot on, and the size ideal. I don't know why I like it, but I do. How about a kit someone? 

Tenterden Town



Anonymous said...

You’d like the former Waterhouses box at Amerton too, I think. Beautiful little box and wonderfully restored by the volunteers there.


James Finister said...

It is the sort of prototype you think should be an easy kitbash - S&F designs being common in the Uk , but then you realise it isn't

Anonymous said...

WHY? Surely a scratch build would be so much better and it would not appear everywhere
Mind you a good drawing would be useful
Richard Preece
Mind you I would have to scratch build it for 3mm scale

Phil Parker said...

A drawing would be an excellent start. Some laser-cut windows wouldn't hurt either...

James Finister said...

I'm sure you could source the windows, perhaps from the Wills S&F kit. The charm comes from the overhanging roof, and that nice railing.