Thursday, January 02, 2025

Calendar Time


Time to start filling in the calendar for 2025. The number of weekends given over to shows hasn't decreased, but here's what I've put on the list so far.

Work events

8/9 February - Doncaster

21-23 February - Glasgow

1/2 March - Midlands Garden Railway show

15-16 March - Ally Pally

6 April - SWAG (RMweb Taunton)

12 April - National Garden Railway Show

3/4 May - Bristol 

7 June - Llangollen garden rail show (Not on a stand, just wandering around)

27 September - Elsecar on tour at Barrow Hill (Not on a stand, just wandering around)

25/26 October - Great British Model Railway Show

22/23 November - NEC

13 December - Rowington garden railway show (Not on a stand, just wandering around)

Non work

20 April - York

26 or 27 April - Key Model World

14 June - 7mm Narrow gauge show

19 July - Gauge 1 north

2 or 3 August - Art in the Park

28 September - Stafford

8 or 9 November - IPMS Telford

7 or 8 November - NEC Classic car show

That's 18 weekends accounted for already then, and I know I'll add more to this list during the year. For a start, there are dates not yet set for some shows. I have a few ideas for exhibitions I've never been to that I'd like to see - Blackpool model boat show perhaps. There really ought to be a trip to the Isle of Man too, the heritage festival is at the back end of July. 

Add in some club open days for both boats and trains, and the calendar is filling up fast!

I know people who are amazed at the number of events I'll head out to in a year, but the truth is that I really enjoy all of them. Working from home, getting out is a good way of taking a break, it's too easy to slip into doing something because it is there, but if you are out and about, you are forced not to. As far as the model train show go, it's a great way to find inspiration, or chat to readers and find out what they like for future magazines. 

Despite this, if anyone has suggestions for places I should visit, pop them in the comments, and I'll take a look. 

And if you are at one of these events and spot me, please come over for a chat. It's always nice to meet blog readers. 

Oh, and the header image is from the KMBC calendar. I nice shot of my boat on the water. The first time that one sailed for quite some time!.


Mike Bellamy said...

Another busy year ahead.

Looking at the shows you are due to visit, I see you have 21st March for a 7mm Narrow Gauge show - at first I thought this would be NG North but that is on the 8th. The 21st is a Friday and UK Model Shops doesn't show a narrow gauge event around that time.

Should this perhaps be the Association's own event at Burton on 14th June.


Phil Parker said...

Mike - You are right, and I've now corrected the post. I've managed to confuse a city break and the 7mm NG show dates. Fortunatly, not in my calendar. Thanks for pointing it out.

Anonymous said...

A trip to the IoM is obligatory, but you know this already. There is the possibility of something happening at Groudle at the end of July. If nothing else there’s bound to be home baked cake at Sea Lion Rocks. Did I once read you’re partial to a slice of home baked cake?

Chris WIlliamson

Phil Parker said...

Chris - I don't know where you got that idea from... ;-)