Getting back to the Roundhouse coach kit, the underframe details are basic in the extreem. OK, there are axleboxes and W-irons, of a sort, but nothing much. Now, I know that you can't really see much under there, and this is a model designed to stand the rough and tumble of garden operation, but I thought it deserved a little better.
So, casting around for some wood to make axlebox covers from, I found a lollypop stick. This was quickly chopped down into squares, and these fixed on the pre-cut wooden parts. Incidentally, one of these had lost its hanger, which was replaced with a slice of coffee stirrer, that happens to be the same thickness.
Waste not, want not!
Don't forget the greasing point, a slice of small square or hex rod (or round at a push) should do it.
50 to 60 years ago, Traction and Models magazine (for streetcars) had a slogan "Scrounge".
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