With the garden railway project in full swing and always looking for an excuse not to lay any more blocks for a day or two, it's off to Stoneleigh for the 16mm Society AGM and exhibition. Last years even was fantastic so hope were high for 2009.
We weren't disappointed either. In fact if there was any cause for complaint it was that there were so many visitors, getting to the stands was difficult first thing in the morning. All this at 8 quid a head too !
If there is a "credit crunch" as the media are obsessed with telling us, then it seems that modellers have decided that investing in live steam engines and suitable rolling stock is a better option than leaving money in banks. I suppose a Branbright engine will hold its value somewhat better than stock and shares. Besides, a firm of model engineers is more reliable than anyone in high finance !
This year I didn't take that many photos, instead you can enjoy some wobbly compactcam film of steam engines running past on some of the layouts.
I even found inspiration in the form of a hopper wagon on the Triassic Model Works stand. While no use to me in the garden, they would be ideal for the On30 railway. Apparently the prototype ran on the Gilpin Tramway in the USA, a gold mining railway that only existed for a few years. The plan comes from a book on the line which is long out of print (there is a current edition but this doesn't have plans) and wasn't to be found on any of the book sellers stands in the hall. If anyone has a copy for sale, let me know please.Aside from this wagon, I think my favorite model was of a photographer tanking the official picture of an oddball motorised permanent way vehicle. The scene has the sheet traditionally held up behind the subject to block the background out and an information panel in front. It's a beautifully presented model.
Over four hours after going in we came out with a concrete tunnel mouth (they only had one) and loads of books and magazines. Not rolling stock or locomotives this time although I do have the hardware for a Manx Railway M wagon so another project for the pile !
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