Friday, June 14, 2019

The "new project" urge can strike at any time

In the corner of Hereford Model Centre, there is a little table full of Playmobil for kids to play with. Mostly it seems to be full of dragons (a film tie in) but there was also a boat-shaped thing and I couldn't resist picking this up for a closer look - don't worry, I didn't have to prise it from any tiny hands.

It looked a nice size, about the same as my Bantam Tugboat. The deck and bulwarks unclip so you can get at the inside. "I could fit radio gear in here", I thought.

There wasn't a boxed version in the extensive Playmobil stock but looking through a catalogue, the boat is a My Take Along 1.2.3. Noah's Ark and comes with a fine selection of animals and crew. There is a handle on top, missing on the one I saw, and the clip on deck is so you can store all the pieces inside.

At this point, I get the new project shivers. Fitted with a motor and radio control, this would be a colourful and fun project. On the water, I bet it would look great, although I'd stick the animals and people down so they don't go swimming.

The trouble is, I don't need any more projects. Those who know me, realise that I acquire new ones far faster than I complete them, but I still get the new project shivers. Is this an addiction? 

Please help. Explain why this is a bad idea in the comments to put me off!


B1956 said...

Do it! Di it NOW!

Unknown said...

I agree. do it! do it! do it!

But on a serious note, it is an addiction, but a good one.

matt scrutton said...

Its a really good idea and might pay for itself with a quick article blasted over to Model Boats if you have a load of spare bits to put in it.

Just sayin' =)

Apple Tree said...

You can never have enough projects, Buy it !

ncornwall60 said...

I guess the only real question is whether you're going to build it with or without the carrying handle??!!

Woody said...

Fine idea Phil. Go for it - you know it makes complete sense! Look forward to seeing you run through it on the next BRM DVD - Love to see how Howard would introduce that!

DaveD said...

You know you want to! And we want to see it πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

Huw Griffiths said...

I'm afraid I can't help you there.

Unfortunately, I've got fond memories of the London Model Engineering shows, when they held them in Olympia.

I particularly liked it when Elmbridge model club stuck a makeshift pond in the middle of the ground floor - then presented a regatta of unusual floating R/C builds - boats (the more unusual the better) - paddle steamers (mmmm ...) - model swans and ducks - I can even remember a plastic model of a steam iron, squirting out jets of water every now and then.

The running commentary was also rather good.

OK - I'm not expecting to find something similar at next year's show (even if I can get the time off from various family commitments) - but those displays got me thinking about stuff I might like to build at some point in the future.

I'm afraid I'm just interested in building things - especially working out how to build them - and finding out how other people have built things - and I'm sure it surprised nobody when I enrolled on an engineering course in 1984.

In other words, anyone would be wasting their time asking me to dissuade them from having a go at some new model build project - and I'm sure that you, of all people, would know this only too well.

All I ask is that you let us know how you get on.

Of course, there is one other question, which you can't answer: Where did I put that pot of Lidl paint thinner?

No - don't worry, I'm in no rush to paint anything - but I've found the stuff works rather well as a solvent cement for some plastic kits. (The price is rather good, too ... .)

Jeffrey Showell said...

If you fit a motor and radio control, will you have to leave the elephants behind?

Jeffrey Showell said...

If you fit a motor and radio control, will you have to leave the elephants behind?

Nick Brad said...

I think it's a novel idea, get to it Cap'n Phil.

Luke said...

Shall I be tempted of the devil thus?
Ay, if the devil tempt you to do good.
Richard III, act 4, scene 4.

Robin Kearney said...

Do it, I love the idea. Just in time for the new Playmobil movie :)

Adrian Tritschler said...

Hydrofoil conversion, fastest ark on the pond!