Monday, November 27, 2023

IPMS 2023


"I've seen some photos, and it doesn't look that busy." said one of the great brains on Facebook. He was pretty quickly corrected. The show was well back to pre-Covid levels of attendance, both visitors and traders as far as I could tell. 

Walking around the mainly trade area on Saturday morning was difficult. Getting into those second-hand kit stands was difficult. And it stayed a lot like that until late afternoon. I know that because I got in just after 10, and left about half past 5. £23 for severn hours entertainment. 

As usual, I largely ignored military models and stuck to things I liked. Even doing that meant I filled my time. Apart from at lunch, when by chance, I ended up chatting to Chris Sandham-Bailey, who designes the transfers for Airfix, over a rather nice burger meal. 

Yes, I bought some stuff. You don't go to a show like this and NOT leave without at least one box. Well, not unless you are dead miserable like the guy on Facebook, and I'm sure he wasn't there, and just wanted to rubbish to show to make himself feel superior. 

Well Mr Facebook, you missed some amazing modelling. But, we need to let the photos do the talking, so head over to my Flickr album and enjoy


1 comment:

Simon Hargraves said...

Thanks for this, Phil, it's brightened up a somewhat dreary Monday morning!
I love the imagination shown in many of these models...the Jagerbomb (would go down well in my local pub), the flying DS(?) yellow buoy (WW2 rescue?), Luftwaffe Flying Saucer and Aerosan being my favourites.
I really don't know why a few sad individuals feel the need to make snide comments on things...the only person it reflects badly on is themselves.
Have a good week,