OK, I could read the instructions but I've deviated from the order set out in these already so they aren't much help. Anyway, I never read the instructions so it looks like a best guess is in order. And fitting the big bits followed by the smaller ones is the order of the day.
First up, I've gone for the coal rails. I tinned the legs and then spotted them in place with the RSU. Positioning is purely by eye - the curve of the rails have to match (sort of) the curve of the front of the tender side. Add to this, they need fitting level too, something that took me a couple of goes each side to get right.
Once fitted and with me happy about the position, a little extra solder was applied to each contact point with the big iron. At the back end this had to be cleaned up but the other areas will be covered in coal so I can skip this step. Much as I love the RSU, the joints produced can be on the weak side (my technique rather than any limitation of the tool) and these parts are pretty vulnerable.
Anyway, the final step was to place the tender on its side and push. This bends the rails to vertical instead of splaying out the side.
When I do something like this I tend to work front to back, but I know that isn't always possible.
And another very tenuously related question: I often see pictures of unpainted models of locomotives with outside frames, coupling rods etc, and then one post later they have by some miracle gained colour. How do you paint all the wheels and undergubbins? Do you take them apart again while we're not looking or is there some other method.
Andy from Railway Misadvantures
You'll see tomorrow why I put off the front for a bit. :-)
As for painting, well it is magic. Or a topic for a future "Ask Phil".
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