Thursday, February 22, 2024

Water tower, platform and deckchairs in the Spring issue of BRM


A real mix of projects in this month's BRM. I kick off with West Hill Wagon Works modern N gauge platform. Nice kit full of 3D printed detail, and probably the only way you can model a modern pre-fab platform, especially in N!

The kit doesn't include a way on and off as the prototype has the ground built up at the back - so I needed to build a similar bank. As ever, I've gone a little off-piste with the build, but there are good reasons for this. Anyway, slavishly following the instructions is no fun...

Jumping up to 7mm, a Skytex water tower. I like these resin kits, they are very accesible and not difficult to build, but hopefully I have finesed it a little. In addition, on BRM TV, I demonstrate how I painted the stone finish. 

Finally, a bit of madness - etched brass 2mm scale deckchairs. These are Severn Models kits, which seemed like a good idea at the time. Fiddly? Very? Satisfying? Very much so. 

I've also been out with the camera to capture some excellent layouts. 

Tytton Hall Yard - a real crowd-pleaser of a OO roundy-roundy. Well, it was at Doncaster where you couldn't get near it all weekend!

At Doncaster 2023, I shot the 009 and OO layout, Lower Hanworth. Square layouts provide lots of angles to work with, and I think I've managed to produce some views that you can't easily see at a show. 

Finally, Hay Town, and attractive GWR "might have been" terminus. Very pretty, and with loads of well-modelled detail.

1 comment:

BR60103 said...

Has anyone modelled someone having trouble unfolding his deckchair?