Having attacked the hull with a sander a coat of primer was wafted over it to see how things looked - it's very difficult to see how good the surfaces are without doing this. The result looked pretty good. OK, there were a few small low spots and the chine line was very soft in places but things were looking good.
Because I'm a picky person, and want to make a really good job of this model boat hull, some smears of Isopon p38 car body filler were then applied to the low spots and the chine. Smears with no real depth but plenty of surface area. One of those fake credit cards that companies send out in the post trying to get you to sign up was very useful here. It's flexible and expendable and puts filler on a treat.

After a couple of hours this was dry and attacked with the sander again leaving me with the top photo (It looks a bit like a whale to me with that mottled colouring). Hand sanding also came into it's own at last with a sanding block and one of those flexible sanding pads getting into the corners and sharpening it all up. I got covered in dust as it was too wet to work outside but I think the result was worth it once the next coat of primer went on.
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