The 'box was quickly made up and slotted in the chassis but to be honest I still wasn't happy. After an hours tinkering I simply couldn't get things working to my satisfaction. It was no good, I had to take the plunge and start again. Everything that could be unscrewed, was. The slide bars came off to release the cross heads, the cylinders were unsoldered and finally the spacers came off the frames.While there didn't seem to be a problem I discarded the bearings too - if you are going to do a job, do it properly.
Out came the chassis jig and the whole process began again. One change was to use long (high top hat if you prefer) bearings point out at the front end. I could file these back to save using spacer washers. Anything to make reassembly easier !
I honestly can't see what I did differently this time but it must have been something as the MK II chassis was freer than before. OK, so I checked running at every stage but the result is much nicer.
Brakes for this model are a bit of a fudge. I think they are Gibson 03 diesel ones but it's difficult to see in the photos what the differences are and the shoes and hangers certainly look the part. I had to sacrifice the brake roding as it was this or electrical pickups - and I think the later are a bit more important !

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