So how is it that I have 1.5 new loco kits and the mechanism for a Snaefell tram. Plus all the "little bits" I was looking for ?
The answer lies in the evil that is the second hand stall. Most of it is covered with old Triang locos and rolling stock as sensible prices (Hint: if you want to buy TT then join the 3mm Society. You'll save your membership fee on one purchase compared with dealers or eBay and still get an excellent magazine 4 times a year into the bargain) but at one end there are the kits'n'bits. On the top of the pile was a beautiful shiny etch for a Y6 tram engine. The gold of the metal looked lovely in the lunchtime sun. It glinted and called to me. I resisted as the Y6 (Toby for Awdry fans) may be a lovely loco but it has no place on a Scottish branch line. No place at all. None.
After a trip around the hall and chat with 3SMR about Bull-Ant motor bogies for an Isle of Man project I could still hear the kit calling to me. Back at the stall it had been submerged by some carriage etches but was still there. I gave in. Out came the cheque book and along with a GWR Railcar etch and few other miscellaneous bits the deal was done. 3SMR provided a motorising unit and I was happy.
Now, I can rationalise this purchase. The etch is a Connoisseur models original designed for O gauge. This means it's in the Finney & Smith range and according to their web site costs £33.50 including casting. So I saved a tenner there. The power unit at £33 is about the same price as buying the bits and making my own - but with the benefit of not having to do this. So if we ignore the fact I didn't need the model in the first place, it is a bargain !

The photos shows one of the competition entries - an ex-L&Y pug. This is the famous Dudley Withers kit and really works despite it's tiny size. Apparently the kit's going into production again, I can hear it calling to me already...
Final hint. From Birmingham City Centre, get the 914 bus not the one shown on the leaflet. The ride is a great 10 minutes up the expressway and through spaghetti junction. Well worth the ticket price.
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