Back in March I built an Airfix GMC truck because I wanted to see if the kit was better than the Hasegawa kit. It was but then I was left with an American war lorry. Of course I knew I could find a home for it.
Overlord is a fine layout and one of the features that gets people excited is the large number of military vehicles covering every inch of baseboard. Sadly, there is a bit of an attrition rate amongst even 4mm scale trucks, tanks and cars. They are glued to a plaster road surface and sometimes that glue gives way. This usually happens during setting up or knocking down when the baseboards are being banged around (you didn't think exhibition layouts were treated like fine china did you ?). When they fall off it's not unknown for them to be damaged or even lost. Thus, the board often shows white patches where paint and vehicle have bee removed. Sometimes a solitary wheel or axle remains but not often.
The remains go in a box or tin with the intention of repairs being effected. Most of the time this happens but not always. So a nice new truck was appreciated and promptly placed in a gap in the dockyard clutter. A tank shaped gap I think but at least the plaster scars were hidden by the 6-wheeler.

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