Monday, November 28, 2016

Lost pliers. Found.

Over 20 years ago, I bought this set of pliers when replacing my tools after a theft. Since then, they have been my constant companion at the modelling board.  I know the pivot is a little sloppy and the points aren't identical in size but the first doesn't seem to affect their use and the second is helpful when bending bits of wire. 

They are so useful that I don't bother putting them back in the tool drawer, they just live on the modelling bench. 

Until a few weeks ago when I took them to a show. I know I did this because since my return I've been searching for them. Eventually they were hiding in a bottom of the toolbox wrapped in some paper towel. In the meantime I'd used several other pliers but they didn't really do the job in the same satisfactory way. I'm glad to have them back in their rightful place.

Does anyone else have old tools that are almost part of you?


matt scrutton said...

Funnily enough a set of pliers!

Odds said...

Oh yes, my graver. I bought it in the weirdest shop in London...a Lithographers' Suppliers. The shop was built and fitted in the Victorian era and has not changed since. The large clock was part of the central board of the shopfit in solid mahogany. All round the tops of the wooden walls were glass jars containing pigments for printers to make their own inks by hand. Under the glass topped counters were all the hand tools of the lithographers' trade, including gravers of all shapes and patterns. I spent all the spare money I had on me, as I had not intended spending anything, being there just to meet a friend, whose father was a tinprinter and lithographer. After I'd finished living afloat, I thought I'd lost it, but my son gave me back a handful of tools I'd left with him for safe keeps, whilst on the canals.