Monday, May 05, 2008

Ruston cab

ruston footplate
Originally uploaded by Phil_Parker.
The sign of a good kit is that there isn't much to say about some bits of the build. For example, the cab is simply four parts that make a box.

Before assembly, the modeller needs to punch the rivets out using (in my case) a blunt screw against some lead. This results in some lumps that resemble rivets- the ones on the real locomotive are surprisingly small - and a wobbly edge of the pieces.

I straightened the edge with my fingers and the soldered the front to the footplate. A couple of tabs and slots are provided for this. The rest of the cab builds around the back. Half etched lines are provided in the font and back to help locate the sides.

The only "problem" was the amount of heat needed. Although I tacked the bits together with my soldering iron, a gas iron provided the necessary grunt to get nice neat joins. That's not a problem though, it's physics.

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