Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Flockburgh & Soldering in Hornby mag

Februarys Hornby Magazine sees the slightly delayed publication of the latest article on Flockburgh. The pictures are very nice and include shots of the scenic extension which haven't appeared in print before now. They also remind me that I haven't done much in the way of detailing in the year since they were taken !

Parker's Guide this month is a beginners guide to soldering. The intention is to persuade one or two newbies to have a go at a simple soldered joint. The intention is to move on from this to producing more items with hot metal construction, eventually ending up building a proper locomotive.

It's a difficult subject to know how to cover. I've erred on the simple side which perhaps leaves things a little light. Had I gone futher though with some more advanced techniques I suspect people would have been put off by thinking thay had to spend a lot of money to get started wheras 30 quid will get you burning your fingers and ruining perfectly good brass kits and to my mind, that is a lot more inclusive.


mog said...

great articles Phil. I looked out fo this issue for the Flockborough article but the soldering article was a bonus. I'm not a complete newbie but it's given me fresh encouragement!

mog said...

great articles Phil. I looked out fo this issue for the Flockborough article but the soldering article was a bonus. I'm not a complete newbie but it's given me fresh encouragement!