Friday, July 21, 2023

Tea, tram and cake


Cake, tram and tea

A couple of days after I escaped the hospital, a parcel arrived for me - with instructions on the outside to open it imediatly as the contents were perishable. 

Inside, were some cakes. From my colleagues - a really touching gift. They know me well, and discovered that the famous Betty's Tearooms will send treats by post. 

Anyway, I munched through the fondant fancies over a few days, and when I reached the last one, felt I ought to make an occasion of it. So, out with the Boot Lane Tram, and a nice cup of tea.  

Coupling up a short train (I ran out of coupling chain) there was a flat wagon at the end, so the cake went for a ride!

After a few curcuits, I retrieved it, and can confirm it tasted delicious!

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