Thursday, February 12, 2009

Varnished Dock Tank

Varnished Dock Tank
Originally uploaded by Phil_Parker
Hooray for slightly warmer weather. A sunny day made me brave enough to waft some Humbrol satincote varnish over the dock tank. OK so there was still a lot of hair drier action to get things dry before any moisture could get into the coating but at least this allowed me to carry on working.

I've deliberately kept the coat thin. Partly because this is what all the professional painters advise and mostly due to my nervousness about needing to strip the model if it all went wrong. The result looks nice though and that varnish will protect the transfers. Buffer beams and body finally have the same sheen despite the former being painted in gloss for a better colour.

Jobs to do:
Glaze the windows
Paint the buffers
Paint cab floor
Fit couplings
Add coal
Reassemble and test

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