Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Setting up a Hobby Holidays chassis jig

Clever people don't need jigs to set up a chassis. I can do it, but as I own the tool, why wouldn't use it? 

One issue I did remember from the dim and distant times when I last did this is that the otherwise excellent Hobby Holidays chassis jig uses 1.5mm diameter ends on the supports, and the holes in my con-rods are 1mm. 

I think in the past I've just judged it by eye. This time inspiration made me use the rods to drill 1mm holes in a piece of 2mm thick Plastikard. These were then opened out to 1.5mm and used to set the spacing on the jig. 

I'm quite pleased with this idea. Let's hope it works.

1 comment:

Chris Ford said...

Hammer and nut.