Time for a little nose detail on the Class 26 diesel. The marker lights had been drilled but I hadn't worked out exactly what I was going to do next to finish them off. At first I blanked the backs off with plasticard and though about using filler. Then I had a better idea. The holes were opened out to accept 2mm diameter rod. This was cut off square at the end and slid in place.
The end should finish so it is flush with the side of the hole - the body is curved at this point - so that the end is flat and recessed at one side. A wash of plastic glue inside and the job is done. A bit of micro-rod makes a suitable marker light in the housing.
The disks are 3.5mm diameter and cut from thin plasticard using a leather punch. Some are cut in half and all are fixed in place with superglue. Best of all the top ones sit over the join where I had to extend the nose door. I'd pretty much hidden this and then I realise I didn't need to do so as the disk does most of the work for me !
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