Thursday, July 18, 2019

Bekonscot in Garden Rail

A treat for me in issue 300 of Garden Rail - a visit to Bekonscot which included the chance to wander around behind the scenes. I won't lie, I had a great day out. It's a facinating place and chatting to the guys who maintain and develop it was amazing. There was definite job envy going on there.

Envy of a different sort comes with a review of the RoundhoueDouble Fairlie. A fantastic model, which the reviewer (not me) didn't want to give back.

Much more my sort of thing is the article on building battery locomotive chassis, which includes proper data in graph and table form. "Electric mice" are a popular branch of the large scale hobby and it's nice to be able to provide some details for those thinking of having a go at building one. 

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