Last lap - The chassis and wheels of the platform wagon received a quick coat of rust colour. The "wooden" top some dark earth and dry brush with gunmetal. Once dry the whole wagon was washed over with "underframe grime". Finishing touches were some dark brown weathering powers dabbed randomly around.
I appreciate that this isn't the greatest paint job in the world. Some people would spend forever working in dozens of colours and produce a truly staggering effect. I don't have the skill, time of commitment for this and anyway, I think in the context of a layout you probably get 80% of the effect for 50% of the effort. For the moment, this is enough for me.
So, at the end of the project (yes, I finished one !), did I enjoy it ?
Certainly. This was a tenner very well spent. There were a few frustrations along the way but only because I'd never spiked track before. For a relatively small price I had quite a lot of fun out of this. Even if you never fancy doing anything similar again, it's still a fun diversion.
Will there be another O14 project ?
Possibly. I see a couple of options:
- The Groudle Glen Railway. For a start I think the line acquired a McEwan Pratt Baguley as seen in the opening credits of "Hi De Hi" last year and KB Scale do a kit for that. There's also a "Wren" lined up for the future. Neither are "proper" Groudle locos but they would be a start. The electric locos would be a relatively easy scratchbuild too. The steam stuff still presents a challenge though. Now if anyone has a Saltford Models 7mm scale whitemetal kit for "Polar Bear" stashed away and would be interested in a sensible offer for it...
- In the future I plan an On30 model. Part of this will involve a high level line between two mine buildings and this would be smashing in 14mm gauge. Best of all, the wagon kits are available off the shelf. Now this is a definite possibility ! Watch this space.
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